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Information | Ionosphere data of COSMIC 2


RO Data Description

Data type: - ionPrf / - igaPrf

ionPrf is one of the data products from FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2 occultation observation, which includes the ionospheric electron density profiles, the calibrated TEC, geographic longitude / latitude / altitude at perigees, etc.

igaPrf is another data products derived from ionPrf, which includes corrected electron density profiles and some related observables.
The major difference between ionPrf and igaPrf is: the former is derived from the standard Abel inversion; the latter is derived from the aided-Abel inversion.

ionPrf Profile Data

  • MSL_alt: Mean sea level altitude of perigee point in km
  • GEO_lon:Geographic longitude of perigee point in °E
  • GEO_lat:Geographical latitude of perigee point in °N
  • TEC_cal:Calibrated occultation TEC below LEO orbit in TECU
  • ELEC_dens:Electron density in el/cm3

igaPrf Profile Data

  • MSL_alt:Mean sea level altitude of perigee point in km
  • GEO_lon:Geographic longitude of perigee point in °E
  • GEO_lat:Geographical latitude of perigee point in °N
  • TEC_cal:Calibrated occultation TEC below LEO orbit in TECU
  • ELEC_dens:Aided electron density in el/cm3
  • ELEC_dens_orig:Original electron density in el/cm3 (same as ELEC_dens in ionPrf)
  • ELEC_dens_bg:Background electron density in el/cm3

ionPrf Data Processing

Since FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2 provides dual-frequency GNSS occultation and non-occultation observables, the ionospheric electron density profile can be retrieved from two data processings: the excess phase data processing and ionosphere inversion processing.

The former data processing estimates the ionospheric excess phase by the following procedures:

  • Read in 1-second sampled dual-frequency GNSS phase observables
  • Derive the linear combinataion of the excess phase by linear differencing
  • Identify occultation flag (rising/setting) or indicate it if it is an non-occultation event based on the orbital information of GNSS and LEO satellites

The latter processing retrieves the ionospheric electron density profile by the following procedures:

  • Read in electron density profiles in ionPrf
  • Reconstruct 3-dimensional global electron density field as the background field based on 45-day worth of the profiles
  • Convert the calibrated TEC into the corrected (aided) electron density profiles based on the aided-Abel inversion (cf. Chou et al., 2019)

These figure shows the number of daily FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2 ionospheric profiles.

lasc file count

lasc file count 2020


Chou, M. Y., C. C. H. Lin, H.-F. Tsai, and C.-Y. Lin (2017), Ionospheric electron density inversion for Global Navigation Satellite Systems radio occultation using aided Abel inversions, J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics, 122, doi:10.1002/2016JA023027.